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Ifold Indoor Bowls Club

Kelsey Hall Ifold


A social group playing bowls once a week. Six people at each session divided into two teams. A break at half time for a chat, tea and biscuits. They have fun playing 21 ends, and each team likes to win their game! Newcomers are most welcome to give it a try.  Scroll down for additional information.

Wednesday afternoons 2pm to 5pm in the Large Hall. September to May.


£3.50 per session, including tea and biscuits.


Phone01403 753625 · Ken Chitty

“BOWLS IS FOR OLD PEOPLE? A common misconception. It’s true that older people can happily play bowls no matter what the level of fitness, but it is also a game that people of any age can play.
Ifold is blessed with facilities that perfectly suit the game of Short Mat Bowls, although Kelsey Large-Hall accepts a longer mat than the usual Short Mat, resulting in a unique form of Long Short Mat.
This year we intend running open sessions where we warmly invite anybody from Ifold and the surrounding parishes to come and have a go, see if it’s right for you.
You are assured of a warm welcome, no special equipment needed as we will have bowls in various sizes and weights available. We currently have a well balanced group of  ladies and men and help will be given on what to do, but be assured that the process is simple. Learning will be without embarrassment, each of our existing players has been at the beginners stage and knows only too well how daunting it initially feels. Please come along whether you are a complete novice or have some experience. Remember this is a social event as much as a chance to learn a new skill, a chance to meet new diverse, friendly people. We currently meet on Wednesdays between 2.00pm and 5.00pm.
It is not a true club in the accepted sense, we do not have membership fees. We collect a small amount,  £3.50, from each person on the day, just to cover hall hire charges, and tea and biscuits at mid game break. Here we catch up on all local gossip and enjoy a great social gathering. The game lasts 3 hours, which sounds a long time but it just flies by. It’s  gently competitive and there’s no pressure to play other than what you feel comfortable with or your timetable allows.
Come and give it a try you may be pleasantly surprised at how enjoyable it can be.”
Ken Chitty   October 2018